Business Immigration Service - BIS -

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lesen.Do you wish to relocate your business here in Germany but are confused by the German business immigation procedures? The Business Immigration Service of Streifler & Kollegen can help you acquire a residence permit here in Berlin and provide legal advice to your business.
If you are thinking about moving your business in Berlin, our Business Imigration Service (BIS) can help you acquire a residence and work permit. German law (§ 21 AufenthG) permits the issuance of a residence and work permit for a business locating in Germany if the following conditions can be met:
- Your business would further a superior economic interest or special regional needs;
- Your proposed business activity would result in positive effects on the economy: and
- Your business can show that it has sufficient capital or other guarantees necessary to finance the relocation.
These conditions are typically met at least 500,000 € will be invested and five new jobs created.
An application under § 21 AufenthG is reviewed by government economic experts like the Senate Commiteee or the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Berlin. To meet this economic review, an applicant must present the elements of a structured and detailed business idea, including:
- Firm profile
- Business plan
- Business concept
- Capital requirement plan
- Capital budget
- Business Forecast
- Personal Curriculum Vitae
Enterprise founders, who are older than 45 years, must additionally show that they have an appropriate retirement pension.
Our Business Immigration Service will help you meet these requirements. We will gladly help you with developing your business idea and help you produce and edit all necessary documents so that you can file an application to get residency here in Germany.
Streifler & Kollegen is a full-service law firm and can also advise you regarding a wide range of legal questions, such as real estate acquisition in Berlin and Germany, or other business law questions. We are an international office, with lawyers fluent in German, English, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Please contact us to set up an appointment where we can discuss your Business Immigration strategy.
Streifler & Kollegen
Oranienburger Straße 69
10117 Berlin
Telefon (Durchwahl) 030-278740 30 (40)
Telefax (Durchwahl) 030-278740 59 (42)
e-Mail [email protected]
Streifler & Colleague
of attorneys attn.
Oranienburger road 69
10117 Berlin
Telephone (direct-inward dialing) 030-278740 30 (40)
fax (direct-inward dialing) 030-278740 59 (42)
E-Mail [email protected]
